What are Masonry Walls?

Masonry walls are an important part of any construction process. There are a few different kinds, and they all work to maintain the structure of a building. Let’s take a look at a couple of examples.
Before we look at the different types of walls it’s important to understand what masonry is as a whole. Masonry refers to the process of building walls by using mortar to glue the pieces together. Cement is a common ingredient in mortar and it works together with sand and water to ensure that each brick will stay in place.
Load-bearing masonry walls are a type of masonry wall that is usually made from bricks or stone. Load-bearing walls can be used inside or outside of the structure, and they work to support the building from the bottom foundation to the roof.
Reinforced masonry walls are another type of wall. In these walls, you will find reinforcement in the form of wire or metal bars. The purpose of these walls is to protect the structure under immense pressure.
All in all, masonry walls are an important part of the structural integrity of a building. There are different kinds, and the walls that should be used from building to building may change.