What are blog directories

If you have a blog, chances are you know how difficult it is to have regular readers and subscribers. You may even be wondering why your blog is not doing as good as the other less informative and less entertaining blogs out there. Well, probably one of the reasons for this is that the blogger knows how to market his blog. If you are not familiar with this, you should start with blog registration or registering your blog to the different blog directories. Here are facts and guide on blog registration that should help you in submitting your blog on the different directories.
First, before you do any blog registration, you should know how important it is in having a successful blog. This is because blog registration is not easy to do, as will be discussed in the following paragraph. Now, first blog registration has many advantages, first of which is that it will have higher page ranking. This is because they are crawled by the search engines. Second, it will make it easy for your blog to be found when users do blog search. You will therefore have more visitors. Needless to say, when a user looks for a particular topic, as your blog is registered on the different topics, it will match the blog keywords the users use. Third, you will become more visible and will even give users the chance to subscribe to your blog. This is because many of the blog directories today have RSS that are constantly updated. Thus, any user who might want to subscribe to your blog from the directory can do so easily. In this case, it is not just a marketing tool but it is also a very useful tool on the part of the users. By giving them the chance to subscribe to you, you are creating more value for your site.
The second thing to know in blog registration is that there are many blog directories out there. It is best to submit or register your blog on as many directories as possible. You can actually do this in two ways. First, you can do this manually. Second, you can use software. You can manually submit your blog to blog article directory if you do not want to spend on the software. On the other hand if you want faster submission and effectively submitting your blog to the directories regularly, there are many companies that offer blog registration or submission. Many experts recommend the manual submission although there are also those that recommend the use of blog registration or submission software. There are pros and cons to both and the price is just one consideration. It is best therefore to start with manual submission if you want so that you would know how it is done and the whole process. Eventually, you can then choose to buy software for a faster and regular submission. In any case, doing it manually first will give you enough knowledge in choosing the best software.
Any blogger should know the importance of submitting to directories. How can you expect to have subscribers if you are not listed?
I could not agree more. The problem is that many bloggers do not even know that there are directories. Many of them are just writers, not marketers.
I could not agree more. The problem is that many bloggers do not even know that there are directories. Many of them are just writers, not marketers.
I could not agree more. The problem is that many bloggers do not even know that there are directories. Many of them are just writers, not marketers.
I could not agree more. The problem is that many bloggers do not even know that there are directories. Many of them are just writers, not marketers.
I could not agree more. The problem is that many bloggers do not even know that there are directories. Many of them are just writers, not marketers.
I could not agree more. The problem is that many bloggers do not even know that there are directories. Many of them are just writers, not marketers.