The Commercial Lavatory has Come a Long Way

The commercial lavatory is not something that many of us really think about. We rarely think about even the toilet or other fixtures in bathrooms. However, the modern toilet has a fascinating background. Prior to flushing toilets, people outhouses that were often located over running water. Then we moved onto the use of chamber pots. Yes, those pots whose contents that were often just thrown out of the window.
The King of Crete, Minos, is said to have the first flushing toilet about 2,800 years ago. Then in about 1596, the godson of Queen Elizabeth the I replaced the antiquated chamber pot with his flush toilet invention. Alexander Cummings received a patent in 1775 for a flushing toilet.
Thank goodness for modern plumbing. It really would be unpleasant to have flying chamber pots and outhouses instead of the modern toilet and commercial lavatory. These modern fixtures have definitely made our lives healthier and more sanitary.
In comparison to a home bathroom, commercial lavatories need to be strong enough to stand up to the public. Even so, a commercial lavatory can be luxurious or sparse in their design. A commercial lavatory can even come with shower bases or other plumbing fixtures. These are often found in places like gyms or schools.
A commercial lavatory may even be that so called modern outhouse or public toilet that you see at special events. These facilities now often feature all the features of a regular indoor toilet space. They have flushing toilets, sinks and even piped in music. A commercial lavatory such at this is certainly a far cry from those outhouse of the past, with all the not so nice smells and unsanitary conditions.
A commercial lavatory is just one part of bathroom settings. With some modern toilets, you can find top of the line models that have warmed seats and features that will mist, wash, and dry you.
Well, as you can see the modern bathroom and the commercial lavatory has come a long way from the days of walking outside to the precariously perched outhouse or the chamber pot.
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Ok, now that was some really interesting history about the lowly toilet.
Ok, now that was some really interesting history about the lowly toilet.
Ok, now that was some really interesting history about the lowly toilet.
Ok, now that was some really interesting history about the lowly toilet.
Ok, now that was some really interesting history about the lowly toilet.