Pugs Are Adorable, Plump Little Bundles of Love But They Do Not Come Without Their Share of Health Issues Know Before You Adopt

Dog health problems come with adoption. A dog more prone to health problems than others is the Pug. Pug health problems can start when they are young, leading all the way into old age. This is not to say that pug health will be riddled with difficulty, but it is best if you know the potential problems you could be facing.
The most common ailment for pugs comes from their adorable, mushed in little faces. They could be subject to breathing problems through their noses, and as such, are more prone to heat stroke. Precise care must be taken to keep them cool and hydrated in overly humid weather. Alongside that is the issue of an elongated soft palate, which is an extension of the palate on the roof of the mouth that could cover over the airway between nose and throat. There is surgery to correct this ailment, but if you keep a careful eye on your pug, and it is not too severe an issue, he can live with it without too much complication.
Another incredibly common issue is that pugs can get quite fat over time. They can be very active, but only if prompted to be. They will play if played with, but not much on their own. As such, if they are not encouraged to have an active lifestyle, they will be loungers, and can therefore gain weight quickly. They are also known for always acting as if they are hungry, no matter the time of day. The best ways to combat an overweight pug are regular walks, one a day if possible, and a regular feeding schedule. Follow the suggested amounts for food on the side of the kibble package, and always give that set amount at a set time. No more, no matter how insistent his little pug face is.
This is by no means meant to scare you off of adopting with pug health problems, if your heart is set on it. I highly encourage rescuing a dog, rather than supporting breeders, but if you cannot find a pug in a shelter, you may need to go to a breeder. Just please be aware of what you are getting into. No matter the dog, you will have more responsibility than simply feeding it and taking it out once a day. If that is what you want, adopt a cat instead. Just make sure your new pooch has the best future ahead of it.