Postcards, Snail Mail Has Not Lost its Effectiveness Quite Yet
In 1940 the first postcard was sent from the writer Thomas Hook to himself. This post card had a hand drawn caricature of postal workers on it. Since then postcards have been a staple in American communication, as well as advertisement. In the 1920s a funny fact is that most of the postcards consisted of seaside scenes, as well as somewhat off color, or raunchy images for entertainment. On a more serious note they were also used for communication with soldiers during war during WWI. These post cards were high quality and made of embroidered silk mesh.
In the modern world, postcards have been used more for advertisement than ever before. According to a study conducted by a leader in the global research world, Millard Brown physical media like post cards have a deeper impact on the mind, causing people to remember the information better. Also the Direct Marketing Association claims that advertisement mail such as post cards have a 3.4 percent return rate, in comparison to email advertisements that only have a .12 percent return rate. This is roughly a 30 fold increase for direct mail advertisements.
When you think about this, direct mail campaigns may be a lucrative idea for advertising. Direct mail costs are very competitive. Postcard printing is as well. Business postcards, such as real estate postcards are a great way to get new listings and services out there to the public. Most people check their mail frequently allowing for a pretty high rate of reaching citizens. Many realty companies are taking advantage of this by using real estate postcards.
Real estate postcards are a great way to get new listings out on the market, as most people searching for homes or selling their own are checking their mail quite frequently. You can also advertise yourself as a realtor in specific areas you are trying to do business in, with the help of real estate postcards.
Although most of us under mind the use of direct mail as an advertising option. It is shown to have great effect. Keeping things like real estate postcards, and also other forms of direct mail advertisement in mind is a great thing you can do for your business. Get your information out there for people to remember today, and invest in a advertising campaign just like real estate postcards. Good references here. Read more blogs like this.
this is very effective in the business of buying and selling homes, considering every home has a mailbox. its a great way to ensure you are reaching everyone that you want to.
i personally toss out all my junk mail. idk about you but everyone i know does. i find it to be annoying, and the mail i usually need gets lost in it. thumbs down.
i personally toss out all my junk mail. idk about you but everyone i know does. i find it to be annoying, and the mail i usually need gets lost in it. thumbs down.
i personally toss out all my junk mail. idk about you but everyone i know does. i find it to be annoying, and the mail i usually need gets lost in it. thumbs down.
i personally toss out all my junk mail. idk about you but everyone i know does. i find it to be annoying, and the mail i usually need gets lost in it. thumbs down.
i personally toss out all my junk mail. idk about you but everyone i know does. i find it to be annoying, and the mail i usually need gets lost in it. thumbs down.
i personally toss out all my junk mail. idk about you but everyone i know does. i find it to be annoying, and the mail i usually need gets lost in it. thumbs down.