Do Not Lose Hope, Excellent Sales Reps Do Exist!

Careers in sales are a lot harder to come by then one may initially think. Everybody and their mother in law thinks that they have what it takes to excel at a job in sales. This, however, is about as far from the truth as you can get. Executive search and selection firms are necessary to find the right person.
It takes a very special individual to succeed at careers in sales. You need to be as careful and discerning as possible when hiring sales reps, since the cost of hiring the wrong person could wind up being between six and ten times the base salary of a good sales person. Executive search and selection can take this risk out of your hands completely.
Hiring sales people can be a difficult and risky endeavor. Finding the right person to fit into your brand, culture, and industry is challenging. This is why we are lucky that recruitment firms exist to help us through the process. Careers in sales can be fostered and the right individuals for the job can be found by experts. Executive search and selection firms know what makes a good rep way more than you or I.
The best careers in sales are executed by people with a certain set of skills and proficiencies. Some of these skills and advantages are not immediately tangible to the untrained eye. These include charisma, adaptability, confidence, and enthusiasm.
Careers in sales are most successful when these more abstract personality qualities are combined with concrete communication skills, which executive search and selection firms know how to identify. Strong communication skills are paramount in creating decent careers in sales. Both written and verbal communication skills are a must in any sales rep. Without them, how could a sale ever be closed upon?
At least 80 percent of all non routine sales only occur after five follow ups with a potential client. This is why your sales person needs to be vigilant, determined, and confident. A great sales person is hard to come by, but executive executive search and selection agents know just how to sniff them out. Helpful sites.