DIY Deep Cleaning for Carpets

For those who have carpets cleaning them is among the most dreaded tasks in the world. Many aren’t sure how to deep clean carpets, and specialized situations like how to clean urine from carpets leave them completely baffled. Here, we’ll look at a few carpet cleaning trade secrets that will help you make sure your carpet is kept looking as fresh and clean as it did on the day of installation. These carpet cleaning secrets will undoubtedly be helpful, but won’t replace regular cleanings by professionals. We’ll show you how to deep clean carpets, but a professional should come in to do it once a year anyway, just to be safe.
How to Deep Clean Carpets
You’ll Need:
- Salt
- Borax
- White vinegar
- A vacuum
- A carpet steam cleaner
What to Do:
- Vacuum your whole carpet very thoroughly. A good rule of thumb is to vacuum in three different directions to really make sure you’re picking up all the dust, hair, and particles that have made their ways into the depths of your carpeting.
- Mix a quarter cup of salt, a quarter cup of borax, and a quarter up of white vinegar and apply that paste to any deep stains or very soiled parts of your carpet. Let it sit until it’s dry. It will probably take a few hours. Then, vacuum it up.
- Get out the steam cleaner. You can probably rent one locally. Don’t worry about purchasing all the chemicals they offer along with it.
- Fill the machine with very hot water and one cup of white vinegar for every 2.5 gallons of water.
- Soak the whole carpet with you water solution and then go over the carpet three or four times until it’s as dry as possible.
- Steam clean the carpets again.
- Let the carpets dry completely. Bring furniture back into the room after the carpets are dry, but be sure to put aluminum foil under the legs to prevent stain from bleeding onto the carpets. Don’t walk on the carpet until it’s totally and completely dry.
- Find out how to dispose of the water from your machine responsibly. Some rental places take the machines back full, but if yours doesn’t, you should call your local water treatment plant for instructions.
Use these steps for DIY deep cleaning, but make sure you still have your carpet taken care of by a qualified professional every once in a while for best results. Research more like this.