Cosmetic Dentists Keep Santa Cruz Smiling

Babies start to develop teeth while they are still in the womb, some as early as six weeks after being conceived. As young children, we learn the basic procedures that we need to follow in order to take care of our teeth. Brush at least once or twice a day, and go to the dentists office for professional cleanings and check ups every six months. We are also supposed to floss regularly. Every year in the United States, more than three million miles worth of dental floss is purchased. Dental floss is rather strong, and was used as a rope in a West Virginia prison escape in 1994.
A century ago, around half of all North American adults were toothless. Today, thanks to more public awareness and better dental care and oral hygiene, less than 10 percent of the people who are over 65 have lost teeth. Regular cleanings, xrays and cavities are more general, but damaged or missing teeth usually require the services of a cosmetic dentist, and often require cosmetic dental surgery.
Dental implants require cosmetic dental surgery, as they are inserted into the empty bone sockets of missing teeth. Then, within six to twelve weeks, the jaw bone heals and grows around the implant securing it into the patients mouth. Implants are just one of the specialties of cosmetic dentists. In cities like Santa Cruz teeth whitening treatments are another popular type of cosmetic dentistry.
My cousin had one of his teeth broken playing football, and ended up getting a dental implant. It is one of his front teeth, but I can never remember which one and can not tell the difference.
There is some good info here. I always thought that dental implants and dentures were the same thing, and now I see that they are not. Thanks.
There is some good info here. I always thought that dental implants and dentures were the same thing, and now I see that they are not. Thanks.
There is some good info here. I always thought that dental implants and dentures were the same thing, and now I see that they are not. Thanks.
There is some good info here. I always thought that dental implants and dentures were the same thing, and now I see that they are not. Thanks.
There is some good info here. I always thought that dental implants and dentures were the same thing, and now I see that they are not. Thanks.