Can You Afford Bail?

Bail is expensive. It can be in the thousands of dollars. For certain crimes, it may even be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Chances are, you won’t have enough cash on hand to afford most bails. Thankfully, there is another option to pay your bail. Bail bond companies offer to pay for your bail in exchange for interest over time. In this video, you will learn why bail bonds may be an affordable option.
Generally, you can get a bail bond for the low price of free. That is right, it won’t cost you anything up front. However, it will accrue interest over time. While the thought of staying in prison for at least a few nights seems uncomfortable at best, it should be weighed against the potential financial burden inflicted by a bail bond. Interest rates on bail bonds tend to be fairly high. However, it may be worth the price to avoid spending any more time in jail than you have to. Bail agents also keep a close eye on you. If it wasn’t obvious before, they will make it very clear to you that you must attend your court hearing.