Your Ultimate Guide to Recycling Grease and Cooking Oil

In this video, the reporter goes behind the scenes of Dubai’s bustling culinary scene to address a critical environmental challenge: the disposal of cooking oils and greases. The reporter reveals how these substances, if not properly managed, can lead to significant issues within the city’s sewer systems.
The reporter goes on to explain that Dubai is pretty strict with restaurants and food places. They all have to use grease traps, which are like special bins that catch the oil and grease before they can reach the sewers. This is super important to keep the sewers running smoothly and to make Dubai a nicer place for everyone.
Grease traps help stop the bad effects of oil and grease from hurting our health and the city.
Next, the reporter shows us how the local cooking oil recycling companies keep these grease traps working well. The trapped grease and oil are taken to places where they’re turned into useful things, like vegetable oil and water clean enough for plants. This shows how Dubai is smart about waste, turning it into something useful and caring for the planet. This story isn’t just about getting rid of waste. It’s a cool look at how Dubai is leading the way in smart solutions to keep the city clean and green.