Top Four Interesting Facts About the Manufacturing Industry That You Probably Did Not Already Know

There was a day when most manufacturing was done in house because it was cheaper and easier. Starting in the late 1970s, but with the advent of the electronic age, the use of contract electronic manufacturing services has overtaken that of in house manufacturing. Here are some of the main reasons why.
1. Manufacturing out of house, particularly out of the country, can save a company a lot of money. For instance, the act of sourcing and manufacturing electronics components in Asia has the effect helps keep overhead, component, and labor costs extremely low. Though there is a lot of debate about the ethics of some of these decisions, it is one of the bigger ways that manufacturing companies are able to save large amounts of money. This more often than not translates into better pay for their domestic workers.
2. One of the downsides of in house manufacturing rather than contracting out to electronic manufacturing companies is the unexpected costs and delays that arise in house. The top contract manufacturing companies have the benefit of scalable production that is really only offered by contract electronic manufacturing services. This means that the project can be completed quickly and easily without delay, which translates into less cost for the company receiving the product, no matter how the demands change.
3. Integrated circuits were in full production as early as 1961. Though this innovation has revolutionized the manufacturing world, it required all other areas of the business to also advance to keep up. As a result, designs of electronics equipment changed rapidly in order to adapt and take advantage of these new leaps forward in the technology.
4. Did you know that the act of recycling one million laptops can save the equivalent power that is required to power almost four thousand houses for a whole year?
i think that all this talk about out sourcing to china and the rest of asia is so very bad. we do not pay these people enough and there are not enough people in the us who have good paying jobs that could use the ones that we send away
i think that all this talk about out sourcing to china and the rest of asia is so very bad. we do not pay these people enough and there are not enough people in the us who have good paying jobs that could use the ones that we send away
i think that all this talk about out sourcing to china and the rest of asia is so very bad. we do not pay these people enough and there are not enough people in the us who have good paying jobs that could use the ones that we send away
i think that all this talk about out sourcing to china and the rest of asia is so very bad. we do not pay these people enough and there are not enough people in the us who have good paying jobs that could use the ones that we send away
i think that all this talk about out sourcing to china and the rest of asia is so very bad. we do not pay these people enough and there are not enough people in the us who have good paying jobs that could use the ones that we send away