Is Gene Therapy a Valid Anti Aging Therapy?

If you’re looking for an experimental anti aging therapy, then gene therapy may be the next up and coming treatment to take a look at. This form of medicine is changing the way that we treat disease. But could it prove a viable anti aging treatment for those looking to get a few years back? Let’s take a look.
A brand new clinical trial is aiming to test whether or not gene therapy can reverse aging in any way. The therapy itself, which is happening in Colombia, claims that it can lengthen human telomeres, which are one of the primary factors in aging. This therapy considers aging as a terminal disease, which means clinical trials are happening like they would for any experimental treatment attempting to eliminate or treat a known disease.
The only barrier is that participating in the trial costs a whopping $1 million. Gene therapy may be the next big treatment in terms of preventing or reversing aging, but it’s certainly not the most cost-effective one right now. Further research may prove that this is an accessible treatment for people from all walks of life.