How to Troubleshoot Your Trailer Brake System

No matter how large or small your trailer is, it’s important to understand how to troubleshoot your trailer brake system. Your trailer’s brakes are an incredibly important safety tool that helps protect you and other drivers on the road. All that said, here are a few tips to help you troubleshoot your trailer brake system before you get out on the road.
The first thing you’ll need to do is check your connector. This is the component that, as the name suggests, connects your trailer to your towing vehicle. Without this piece of equipment, your trailer’s electronic brakes are toast. All of the pins should be intact and there shouldn’t be any dings, dents, or cracks. If you see any kind of damage on your connector, it’s probably a good idea to consider having it replaced. If you’re familiar with all of your equipment, it’s also a good idea to connect it and test whether the brake lights are working.
It’s also important to check whether your trailer’s wires have been compromised. Some trailers leave their wires completely exposed to the elements, which means they’re highly susceptible to damage. Don’t forget to run this check before you head out with your trailer.