How to Keep Your Pools Water Balanced

Balancing your pool’s water is important. So, what exactly does it mean to balance pool water? It’s about keeping your pool sparkling clean and awesome to swim in. You do that by getting the chemistry of your pool water just right. By doing so, you ensure that the pH level is ideal.
If it’s too high or too low, it can cause all sorts of problems. It can irritate your skin or damage pool equipment.
Think of pH as a way of measuring how acidic or not-so-acidic your pool water is. The perfect pH for a pool is between 7.4 and 7.6, just a little bit on the not-so-acidic side.
Alkalinity acts like a bodyguard for pH, helping to keep it stable at that perfect level. The ideal alkalinity level is between 100 and 150 parts per million. Calcium hardness is a measure of how hard or soft your water is. Ideally, it should be between 175 and 225 parts per million.
It’s a good idea to test water to see if these three things are at the right level. If the levels aren’t quite right, there are special chemicals you can add to adjust them. For instance, if your pH is low, you can add sodium bicarbonate or borax to bump it up. These chemicals are vital for pH balance pool maintenance.
Of these three, pH and alkalinity are the most important. Balancing them is key to keeping your pool water clean and inviting. Calcium hardness isn’t quite as sensitive. So, you only need to worry about adjusting it at the beginning of the pool season. Ensure you continue watching this video to learn all about pH balance pool maintenance.