How to Find Teen Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Programs

The numbers are not good concerning teen alcohol and drug abuse. An estimated 55 percent of children and teens in America have consumed alcohol by age 20. According to statistics from the CDC, an estimated 24 percent of children in the U.S. under the age of 21, have ridden in a car with someone who has consumed alcohol. An estimated 11.3 percent of American children have used synthetic marijuana, also known as spice or K2, by the time they have reached the 12th grade.
There are other aspects of underage drinking that are cause for alarm. According the CDC, underage drinking can often cause memory problems, and increases the likelihood of drug addiction.
You may be seeking teen alcohol and drug abuse treatment for your child. You want to help your child get the treatment needed to lead a healthier life. There are many different types of teen alcohol and drug abuse programs.
There is the in patient teen alcohol and drug abuse programs that will have your child in a facility with 24 hour supervision and treatment programs. There are teen treatment programs that will allow your child to remain at home with outpatient teen alcohol and drug abuse treatment being provided on a schedule at a treatment facility.
Consulting with your family physician is a great way to find a suitable teen alcohol and drug abuse program for your child. You can discuss any concerns you may have about the effects a treatment program may have your teen.
Of course, your teen may be highly opposed to any type of teen alcohol and drug abuse treatment. This is due to denial of any problems. We see this type of denial with mental health as well. For instance, teens who cut themselves are often doing this as a coping mechanism for anorexia or a borderline personality disorder.
While your teen may not like the idea of entering a teen alcohol and drug abuse program or other rehab facilities, you will need to remain strong on your convictions. Let them know that they are still loved, but this is a necessary step in getting them healthy again.
Find out more at this site.