Forget Being Hidden, Wear Camo Formal Wear and Get Noticed

The idea for camo clothing came from observing Mother Nature. Animals have coats and fur on them that are camouflaged. It helps them blend into the forest or in a field better so that their predators do not see their prey as well. Camo helps prey animals have a fighting chance. The same is true for members of the military. Military members wear camo clothing to blend in with the background scenery. There are different backgrounds to contend with too. You know, we have all see pictures of the Viet Nam war and the camo uniforms our military members wore back then to blend in with the greenery in that country. Fast forward to the war in Iraq and think of the sand colored camo uniforms the military used for that war.
These wars are not the only wars where military members wore camo. In fact, camouflage uniforms got their start with the two wars that Napoleon started. This is when the British army wore camo uniforms for the first time. It was rifle green in color. Military camouflage usage became prevalent in the 19th century because of the increasing accuracy and range of the firearms used by the military. They also say that the avant garde Cuban art movement of the early 20th century played a big roll in the development and use of modern day military camouflage.
It is most interesting to note how camo material has translated over to the general population now. They are even making camo formal wear. It may seem unusual, which it really is, but there are now bridal gowns made with camo printed material. Camo formal wear is gaining in popularity too. Girls from all over the U.S. go shopping each spring looking for camo formal wear to wear to their proms and the guys are also looking for camo formal wear today. One thing is for sure, when you wear camo formal wear, you are going to get noticed. It has the opposite effect of wearing camo out in the wild. Camo formal wear is a real attention grabber today. You can even find pink camo formal wear to wear to your school prom today too.
Oh I know camo is getting popular. All my friends are wearing it. You can even find shoes with camo print and jackets for the winter time too.
I saw the cutest pink camo outfit for an infant the other day. Even babies are wearing camo. It’s just too cute. They make little green and pink or pink and green camo outfits for little girls.
I saw the cutest pink camo outfit for an infant the other day. Even babies are wearing camo. It’s just too cute. They make little green and pink or pink and green camo outfits for little girls.
I saw the cutest pink camo outfit for an infant the other day. Even babies are wearing camo. It’s just too cute. They make little green and pink or pink and green camo outfits for little girls.
I saw the cutest pink camo outfit for an infant the other day. Even babies are wearing camo. It’s just too cute. They make little green and pink or pink and green camo outfits for little girls.
I saw the cutest pink camo outfit for an infant the other day. Even babies are wearing camo. It’s just too cute. They make little green and pink or pink and green camo outfits for little girls.