Everything to Know About Energy Audits

In this video, you will learn about energy inspection. The first thing you do when you complete an energy audit is to start with all of the things that use energy in the house. For example, making sure the lighting and appliances are running efficiently.
Also, check out the heating and water heater systems to see how they are running. Some older water heaters can be extremely inefficient because the water has to get up to at least 212 degrees before the energy will turn off to the source. The fact of the matter is that when the water comes out of the faucet, it is not anywhere near 212 degrees, so a lot of energy may be wasted here. A combustion analyzer measures the temperature as well as the ratio of flue gasses inside the pipe. This tool is used in energy audits in order to determine the efficiency of the unit. A home owner might consider upgrading to a high-efficiency unit, in order to conserve electricity. There is a lot to know about energy audits. If you are interested in learning more, keep watching this video for more information.