Bail Bondsman Responsibilities

A bail bondsman provides services to incarcerated individuals who need to get out of jail. This video explains the responsibilities of a bail bondsman and what bail is, in the first place.
When a person is arrested, the judge will set a bail amount. This is a fee that the individual can pay to get out of jail. If they go to all of their court dates and aren’t found guilty of a crime, they will get this money back.
There are many ways bail can be paid. A person can pay for it themselves, or have a loved one pay for it. They can even put a valuable asset, like a home, up as collateral. This is a risky method, however, as if the person breaks their court dates or any other rules imposed upon them, their home will be seized by the court.
A bail bondsman is a third party who can post bail for the individual, instead. The person pays the bondsman 10% of the bail in order to attain their services, and the bondsman posts the full amount of the bail. The person who hired the bondsman won’t get their 10% back, but it’s a much cheaper way to get out of jail.
For more information, click on the link to the video above.