Understanding Spina Bifida

Have you heard of spina bifida? It is a birth defect that results in an opening in the lower back. If you don’t know much about this birth defect, then this video is for you. In this video, you will learn the causes, symptoms, and treatments of spina bifida so that you can fully understand it. The term is Latin and means “split back” due to what the condition looks like.
It will develop while a person is still a fetus and is caused when the neural tube that eventually forms the spinal cord fails to close properly.
There are different types of this defect with a range of severity. In severe cases, a person with this condition can experience paralysis, seizures, and deformities. The most common form of it is also the most mild and tends to be hidden. People with this one won’t even have symptoms. The causes of the defect are mostly unknown, though there are risk factors associated with a deficiency of certain vitamins. Diagnosis usually occurs prenatally. Blood tests and ultrasounds might also be done. If caught early, prenatal or postnatal surgery can be performed, but additional intervention may be necessary.