The Chain Link Fence Installation Process

Chain link fences are a popular fencing option used all across the world. The process to install a chain link fence isn’t too complicated, but it requires you to follow each step carefully. In this article, we are going to look at the chain link fence installation process.
The first part of the process requires you to measure out where all of the posts will go. It’s important to do the measurements ahead of time so that you don’t have to worry about measuring while you install the posts.
Once the measuring is done you can dig the holes that the posts are going to go into.
If you’ve finished digging, you can start putting the posts into the holes one by one. While you are putting the posts into the holes make sure to pour concrete into the hole with them. The concrete will keep the fence stable.
When all of the posts are in the ground you are going to need to put in two more horizontal posts across the whole fence. These posts are going to hold the chain link in place. Finally, if all the posts are in place you can get started putting the chain link into the fence.